Hello to all my followers, It has been a while since i worked my website, cause off the Covid pandemic there where zero to none herfs or social events to report on. On top off that, my domain was taken in quarantaine, cause the domain-provider found mallware on my page, cleary something i had no […]

Hello friends, On Sunday 30th of June 2019 we attended the “Smoke on the water, part 2”. Let me first tell you something about this event. You take a boat, put a group of aficionado’s on it, together with a cuban band. Mix that up with “Yoniel the Mojitoman”, Richard the Rum/Whisky merchant and 2 […]

Hello friends, Yesterday, Saturday the 16th of March 2019, it was time for the annual PRF Wuustwezel (B) meeting at the fantastic location “Bellekes-Hoeve”. This year it was the 7th time this meeting is beeing held for the Pijprokersforum-members. (Short PRF). This meeting is organised by Jan and his wife, both members off PRF. This […]

Hello all, it has been a while since posting, This weekend was all about spending quality time with my good buddy Armand. We both know eachother for about 7 years now, and we became friends when back in the days the cigarforums where still functional. During the years we have spoken and seen eachother on […]
Dear cigarfriends, Before I will write about what happened last weekend I will explain a little about the background of the ANS meetings. ANS stands for Apotheke Notdienst Smoke. Andreas Hohe is Pharmacist and every 13th day he has a 24h shift. Since he is a passionate cigar smoker, he uses that day to […]
Hello dear friends, This week Cigarjournal.com released the nominations for the 2017 Cigar Trophy, and guess what, my dear friends Yuri and Olav are nominated for “Best Lounge”… I want to congratulate my friends with this achievement, since they are open less than one year! Well done boys, keep it up! If you want to […]

Perfect friday with friends at LCDH Almere, As most of you all know, when i can, i visit my local LCDH on fridays, cause it is my regular day off! Today i had an appointment with good friends Jan and Armand from Limburg, to visit the Casa and share some good chats and cigars […]
Welcome and nice of you to stop by, at my brandnew website, My name is Thomas and this website is about my journey in the world of the Cigars and Pipetobacco’s and anything that is related to it. In the near future you can read reviews about cigars, tobacco, spirits, intresting places and many more. […]